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Photo by NCEA

NCEA Credits

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

It has been a busy few weeks for our Senior students as they have had their mock external exams

As we track our students it has been commendable to note those students who have already achieved 50 Excellence credits

Level 1
Hanning, Megan
Kerr-Bell, Emily
O'Neill, Bridget
Knowles, Finn
Armstrong-Sagvari, Lucy
Mackle, Abbey
Trainor-Uluakiola, Holly
McEntyre, Kyra
Wilson, Andrew
Paulin, Summer
Latton, Rosa
Meikle, Sam
Stewart, Ralph

Level 2
Mahoney, Finley
Xu, Stephen

We encourage families to have a conversation around goal setting -What Goals are possible?
Level 1 NCEA 
80 credits to pass including 10 Literacy and 10 Numeracy
Endorsed with Merit
80 credits with 50 credits Merit or Excellence level
Endorsed with Excellence
80 credits with 50 credits at Excellence level
Subject Endorsements
14 or more credits Merit or Excellence and at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards
Level 2 NCEA and Level 3 NCEA
60 credits to pass
Endorsed with Merit
60 credits with 50 credits Merit or Excellence level
Endorsed with Excellence
60 credits with 50 credits at Excellence level