Northern Junior AFC
Northern AFC - February 26, 2019
Register now to join for 2019
If you are new to the club and wish to play or have questions please contact Tony Galloway on 027 693 1747
Registration can be completed online any time
If you would like to meet some of the club committee, swap boots, or discuss any aspect of registration or the upcoming season, then come down to the Northern Junior AFC Open Day at Chingford Park on Sunday 17 March, 11am-1pm.
CLUB FEES: Our Fees for the 2019 season are:
- $40 for those turning 5 or younger
- $50 for those turning 6-8
- $80 for those turning 9-11
- $100 for those turning 12 or older
- $185 (or the lesser of sum above) for Families
Fees should be paid no later than 22nd of March