Maggie McGarry — Mar 12, 2019

Rosa Latton gains success at the Otago-Southland Debating Regionals through being selected for the development squad

Over the weekend Kavanagh College had two teams represent our school in the Southland-Otago Regional Debating Tournament -  Kavanagh One: Sam Meikle, Rosa Latton and Tobias Brennan and  Kavanagh Two: Andrew Wilson, Hailey Xavier and Katrina Pelvin. At the regionals, students compete with schools from all around Otago-Southland and get to fight in six intense debates over two days.

The wonderful Anna Roberts, former Kavanagh Debating Club (KDC) star and one of our outstanding coaches for 2019 was adjudicating at the event and said, ”Kavanagh did really well this regionals! They should all be super proud! Rosa got a spot on the development squad this year which is amazing. Overall, everyone was great and generally had good scores and a few wins each!!!”

Rosa Latton being selected for development squad is a great opportunity. She will be with a group of finely selected debaters from around Otago who will get special training and support from the University of Otago Debating Society.

Congratulations Rosa and well done to the above debaters who competed.