Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Campbell

Assistant Principal's Message

Mike Campbell —

Greetings one and all

Since our last communication quite a bit has been happening. 

Last Thursday the Year Seven children had the inaugural Year Seven Camp - an overnight experience at Camp Tirohanga on the Taieri. Under the stewardship of Mrs De Graaf and her lieutenants Mr Wolfreys and Miss Henderson, the children enjoyed a varied and extensive programme. Highlights included the confidence course, orienteering and team-building activities. The group was augmented by senior students, recent past-students, and parents, ensuring a happy and lively couple of days. Well done all round.

Speaking of Tirohanga it is timely to comment on the Year 12 Retreats, the last of which takes place today. These one-day experiences have been reflective, honest and faith-filled. The students are to be commended on their engagement and I know they have viewed them most positively. These are a critical part of the journey for our young people and the staff who have contributed to them need our accolades also. Nice one.

The Year 11s have spent the afternoon at the Edgar Centre for the 'Drive to Survive' presentation. Again, this is an informative and sobering look at the perils of unsafe behaviour on the road. As more of our young people involve themselves in myriad activities, so do more of them attain their driving licences earlier. There can never be too much education about road safety. 

I direct parents and students to Winter Sport registrations also. It's important young people are doing something outside the classroom whether it be employment, cultural interests or sport. Children have never had better access to opportunity so I urge you to join with us in encouraging them to do so.

Of course we are now in Lent and this year Easter falls in the middle of the holidays. We will be offering the sacrament of Reconciliation for everyone in the fortnight before the holidays and Easter Liturgies will be held on the last day of the Term. It's always nice to see our students at the various Easter services around the city and we look forward to seeing a good turnout this year.