Hero video
Dunedin COL - Term Two Community Video (2020)
Video by Dunedin Catholic Kahui Ako

Dunedin Catholic Schools Kāhui Ako

Ian Adamson —

Welcome to our first Community video which will come out at the start of each term to showcase, educate and promote what is occurring between our ten Dunedin Catholic schools in our Kāhui Ako.

This video shows the collection of food, sanitary items and cleaning products for St Vincent De Paul.  During the Minecraft sessions the children had to locate items, create and add them to a portfolio and label them in both the Te Reo and English words. They enjoyed being in the computer labs and sharing their learning with each other. The Science lessons built on what they had learnt last year.

We also have Mr Lucas and some Kavanagh students who are in the process of travelling around the primary schools telling Maori stories. They have been learning about Matariki and some stories from our local areas. It is great to have ex students returning to their primaries to share their knowledge and the video also shows staff and student events. 

In Term Three some students will be learning songs and dances from the cast of Grease, an extra possibility which we didn’t think was possible following lockdown. Great for them to be learning from these experts and celebrating the Arts curriculum. 

The COL is not just about giving opportunities to students, but also about upskilling staff. Staff Ako are going to be involved in two professional development sessions on digital technology with our three professional learning providers from CORE and CYCLONE.  

Over the rest of the year all the primary schools are coming to Kavanagh to participate in Maori Minecraft, PE alongside the Year 7 children, and Science.