Sarah Henderson — Aug 18, 2021

During Term Two, 8HEN's term theme was 'Ready For Action'.

During this unit, we spent a lot of time looking at natural disasters, what they are and how we can be prepared for them if they strike. One of the things we looked at was the need for an 'Emergency box' in our homes. We discussed that sometimes when natural disasters strike, people are not prepared and do not have an emergency box ready. 

The students decided that as a class, we should create some boxes for families who are hit by a natural disaster and do not have an emergency box ready. We had to fundraise the money to buy the items for the boxes. Students worked in groups selling drinks, cotton candy, lollies and a sausage sizzle. We raised the money to create four full boxes. Students went on a trip to the Warehouse to select the items to go into the boxes and then we dropped these off to the Red Cross. 

Great work 8HEN!