Hero photograph
Acting Principal - Steve Read
Photo by Staff photographer

Principal's Message

Steve Read —

Forgiveness – Why practice it?

Greetings, Kia ora, Talofa, Mālō e lelei

I attended the service for Ana QimaQima yesterday along with a large group of students and staff who did the College proud. Our Pacifika Vibes group sung beautifully and the students performed a spirited Haka. The service was a wonderful tribute to Ana with a strong message of faith and love combined with a reminder to honour Ana by celebrating the joy filled gift of life.

As you will be aware the College Open Day is on this Sunday and I thank all those students who are freely giving their time to support their school and teachers. Also, my thanks go to the PFA (Parents and Friends Association) for their help in providing refreshments on the afternoon. They would also appreciate offers of baking or purchased goods. Please email Martina Kelly with any offers of help or if you can drop off any refreshments to the school office. Her contact is afk.mmf@xtra.co.nz


Why Practice it? Everyone does hurtful things at one time or another. If someone is not forgiving, others feel worried around that person. Without forgiveness, we judge and criticize others instead of giving each other a chance to improve. Forgiveness is the best way to encourage ourselves and others to take responsibility for our actions, to try harder and to change for the better.

God Bless
Steve Read
Acting Principal