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Photo by Daniel Kelly

An outstanding year in Maths

Daniel Kelly —

Tobias Devereux has had an amazing run in Mathematics this year. A rare prize in the Australian Maths Competition is his latest achievement.

Tobias is an outstanding scholar, not just because of his advanced capability in mathematics, but also due to his self-discipline and diligence. And Tobias' growing list of awards and achievements in Mathematics this year is hard to ignore! He has attained stellar results in a wide a variety of mathematical pursuits, from ICAS tests (Digital, Computing & Algorithmic thinking, Mathematics) to OMAthlon and 1st in the NZ Junior Mathematics Competition, not to mention a Robotics award, gaining a top-100 award in the NZ Senior Mathematics Competition and sitting Statistics Scholarship (in Year 9).

Most recently, Tobias received his certificate recognising his prize in the Australian Mathematics Competition in Christchurch during the third holidays. The prize places him in the top 0.3% of competitors in this difficult international event.