Rachel Mortimer — Aug 10, 2022

Our career focus on a Thursday morning culminated with a talk from an ex-Kavanagh student, Jase Tibble, who is now deputy Chief Executive of the Otago Polytechnic.

Jase kindly came and spoke with our students this morning and focused on his journey as an average student at school through to now. He included thoughts and research on the future of work. He is always an engaging speaker and his ability to weave a story meant the students were a captive audience. 

His message kept coming back to the idea of continuing to put one foot in front of the other and 'if the guitar string breaks, keep playing.' He promoted the idea of taking on opportunities even when you want to say no and getting out of your comfort zone to do scary stuff, because the more you do it, the sharper your skills become. He believes that it is more important to 'work well with others than be smarter than others' as well as working hard, problem solving and using common sense. 

There was a pearl of wisdom for anyone in the auditorium listening and we are grateful for his time, as well as the time that many of our alumni are prepared to give our school.