Steve Read — Jun 17, 2018

Greetings, Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e lei

Laurel Lanner, Jordan Bone, Bede O’Callaghan, Fr Aiden (BOT), John Hogue (BOT) and Mike Campbell all attended the Catholic Schools Convention in Wellington last week. This is held every three years and the theme was Christ's Call - To love, to be, to do.

John Hogue’s feedback is that the key presenters were first rate including Fr Gerard Ainsley, Prof David Hall from Australia, David Wells from a UK Catholic School and Dame Therese Walsh, Chair TVNZ. It was wonderful to see four Bishops (including Bishop Michael) and the Cardinal there. They showed a real commitment to education. One of the messages from the convention was that Catholic Schools are places where young people and community meet to ensure most important things are acknowledged and prioritised. "Enabling Spiritual people to become more human". Otherwise, we are just another state school.

Wear it well – most do! The way our young people look when they are out at the shops or mall and about on the streets in their uniforms has an impact on the way people, especially employers, think about students from Kavanagh College. In some ways, all our young people get tarred with the same brush no matter what skills they have to offer.

It is about mindset. We want our young people to believe they can attain what they are capable of achieving. It starts with personal responsibility - for yourself, your image and your actions. Having a uniform creates an identity for a school. It’s part of our brand and we want Kavanagh College’s brand to be highly regarded. Furthermore, we want our brand to work favourably for our students.

We have a wonderful uniform and one that is instantly recognisable, so please take this opportunity talk to your daughter or son and encourage them to wear it with pride and wear it well.

A reminder that our Open Day is coming up on Sunday 5th August from 2:00pm-4:00pm. The day is for incoming and prospective students and parents and is to welcome them to our College, provide information about the school and begin our enrolment process. Most current students will be at school helping out on the day so please keep it free.

Enjoy some family time in the weekend.

God Bless

Steve Read

Acting Principal