Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Sullivan

Principal's Message

Kate Nicholson —


Today we farewell one of the most unusual months in history. I came across this quote recently:

“A true community is not just about being geographically close to someone, or part of the same social web network. It is about feeling connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays a crucial role.”


I am sure the last few weeks will be a period of time that will make up plenty of future research and studies into human behaviour! But what I have noticed is the strong community connection and communication within our college. People have been very creative in the way they have been able to build connectedness and bring fun into learning, our prefects continue to create opportunities to contribute to and enjoy our college community through their wonderful assemblies, and our staff continue to go above and beyond in their care of our young people. Kavanagh College is well known for its strong pastoral care – something Catholic schools have an excellent reputation for – and being geographically distant from one another has not changed this. Thank you all for the flexibility, understanding and warmth that has been shown during alert level 4.

It is important to recognise the musicians at school who contributed to their communities by supporting Anzac ceremonies last weekend. Talents are yours to share and you certainly did this in the early hours of Saturday morning – thank you.

We welcomed back just nine learners to school yesterday. As is happening in most secondary schools, this is a supervision programme and the students continue to work online as they would at home. Our staff all continue to work from home except those rostered on to supervise our school bubble.

Planning will now begin for moving into alert level two and the complexities that this is likely to bring. Sadly, our school events calendar is very empty. Even the Bishop’s Shield competition has been cancelled for this year. We are very aware of the breadth and depth of school life that has suddenly been trimmed and we will do our best to create opportunities to provide the holistic education our young people need when we return to school.

All the best to those in our parent community who have returned to work this week. I am sure you will appreciate the upcoming weekend!

Ngā mihi nui,

Kate Nicholson

Theme for 2020 -  “Do the little things well’

‘Ahakoa he iti he pounamu’ (Although small it is highly treasured)