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Photo by Staff

Special Character Reflection

Pippa and Maliza —

Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday.

Hi everyone, we have finally made it to term 4. We hope that everyone enjoyed their two week break and are ready to finish off this year strong. For the year 13’s, our life here at Kavanagh College is coming to an end and our final exams for senior students are beginning. We hope you push yourself to reach goals you never thought you could accomplish and that you congratulate others around you who have tried their hardest throughout this year. One thing that I find quite important is to surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self.

Lord God,

Thank you for the life you have given me today. I pray that I'll be able to see myself the way that you see me.

Your words say that I am fearfullly and wonderfully made. Allow me to become the best version of myself everyday and live to the purpose you have given me.


It is now the first week of term 4, may we all stay safe and healthy as we continue throughout this term. Remember to always treat everyone with kindness and to love one another.

God Bless,

Your Special Character Prefects, Pippa & Maliza