Kate Nicholson — Jun 9, 2020

Kia ora tātou, Greetings to all

I am sure you were as pleased as I was to hear the Prime Minister’s announcement about moving to Alert Level 1. For us, there will be no major changes to what we are doing, and our school continues to be safe to attend, including any staff and children who are considered more vulnerable to COVID. We have a good cleaning routine in place, people who are sick are staying at home and we continue to encourage good hygiene practices. We are supporting contact tracing by having QR code posters in our office area and near the gym and auditorium with instructions on how to use this.

What is changing is we can now look forward to inter-school and community sport, cultural events, and performances and to welcoming all of our school community on site for these activities. We are also able to plan for field trips and other off-site activities once again. With this in mind, some of our postponed events are back on the calendar including the formal, our musical and postponed interschool tournaments. We are looking forward to this year’s musical ‘Grease’. It is timely to let you know that the production we are performing is the high school stage show version rather than the movie version of this story. This version sits more comfortably with us as a Catholic college.

We are very aware of the fact that many people in our college community have experienced changed circumstances due to COVID and the economic impact it has had on employment and family finances. We would like to help where we can. If we can support you in some way, now or in the near future, please email Mrs Katrina Kerr-Bell at kerrbellk@kavanagh.school.nz.

Please remember that Monday June 22nd is a teacher only day. We are excited to start reviewing how we ‘do’ teaching and learning at Kavanagh and look towards our new strategic plan for 2021 and beyond. There will be an opportunity in term three for you to be part of this planning as well. Every school has room for improvement, and we want to turn this into action for your children.

I am away to St Kevin’s College on Saturday to watch our netball and basketball teams swing back into action with a bit of friendly competition. It is nice for old routines to be feeling more normal again!

Ngā manaakitanga

Theme for 2020: ‘Ahakoa he iti he pounamu’

(Do the little things well)