Hero photograph
Photo by Nicki Ridden-Angus

What your student expects from you:

Nicki Ridden-Angus —

Homestay families are required to provide the following while caring for their students:

Full Board, including Meals.

  • Lunches: The expectation is that a daily packed lunch is provided by the homestay, but if the student prefers, there is a canteen that sells hot food, including noodles, at school. If students prefer to eat canteen food, then they must pay for this themselves.
  • Snacks: Healthy snacks should be made available between meals, particularly in the weekends for students to make their own meals if necessary. Keep in mind the types of foods that your students are accustomed to eating and try to provide them as often as is practical.
  • Evening Meals: A full evening meal is to be provided by the homestay family.

Full Laundry Facilities:

Students are expected to change their own bed linen and put dirty clothes out to be washed. Please ensure that their school uniform is dry cleaned at the end of each term, at the student's expense. If you are happy for the student to do their own laundry, please provide clear laundry procedures/instructions.

Heating Facilities:

Please provide a heater for the student's bedroom. Use of this heater may need to be monitored, and you may need to provide guidance to ensure that these are used safely or not left on for excessively long periods. Please communicate your expectations clearly with your student - they are likely to find Dunedin colder than home.


Please provide your student with basic toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, toilet paper and basic shampoo. If the student wants special toiletries, they can purchase these themselves using their own cash.

Homestay Extension:

If the student or parents request that the student stays longer in NZ, then both parties must agree to an extension. The school can assist with negotiations around this.