Hero video
Misha's Superhero
Video by MPeyroux

Lockdown Superheroes

Maggie McGarry —

9McG got given the ultimate super task during the lockdown - create a visual of their lockdown superhero!

A change in direction for learning this year meant a new focus for 9McG English. The class would normally begin their novel studies, however, with the focus being shifted to independent learning and finding ways to be creative during the lockdown, students took their skills from the film study unit to create their own visual text on a lockdown superhero.  

Students used a range of resources to create their visual but most followed the hero's journey with a Covid-19 twist to it. 

Misha Peyroux put her creative talents into stop-motion. She created a story of her superhero - Misha, who is surprisingly attacked by the Sneeze at the supermarket. She has to use her black belt kung fu skills and hand sanitizer to defeat the nasty Sneeze. Great work Misha!