Monday 10th February: Meet the Teachers Evening (All Years 7 - 9 families welcome, and all new families to the school in Years 10 - 13). Information has been emailed to Caregivers and is in this newsletter.
Friday 14th February: Wanaka Triathlon
Friday 21st February: Athletics Day
Monday 24th February: Postponement date for Athletics
Attendance Matters
Today’s learners are tomorrow’s leaders – attendance is the first step to learning.
Visit this articleYear 7 & 8 Teacher Only Day - Friday 14th February
Tomorrow the Year 7 and 8 Teachers are undergoing some important professional development, so there will be a teacher only day for all Year 7 and 8 students at Trinity Catholic College (Friday 14th February 2025).
Visit this articleIntroducing New Staff at Trinity Catholic College
We are extremely fortunate to welcome a number of new staff to Trinity this term, and over the coming weeks we will introduce these new staff members in the weekly newsletter. Today we profile Savannah de Vos and Katie Montgomery.
Visit this articleMeet the Teachers for Parents of Year 7 - 9 and New Students in Years 10 - 13
On Monday 10th February at 6.30pm there is an opportunity for parents of students in Year 7 - 9 to meet their child's Ako teacher and for parents of students new to Trinity Catholic College in Years 10 - 13 to meet their child's Dean.
Visit this articleTrinity's 2025 Musical
Students - don't forget to sign up for "Back to the 80s" if you would like to be part of the cast in our fabulous 2025 musical!
Visit this articleAthletics Day 2025 - Tomorrow!
Please find attached information regarding our Athletics Day, scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 21st February at the Caledonian Ground.
Visit this articleCreating your Parent Portal in Edge
Please see the attached PDF file which provides information on how to create your parent portal in our student management system "Edge".
Visit this articleBrilliant Outward Bound Experience
Congratulations to Year 13 Trinity Catholic College Student Ben Casey who was awarded the Otago Community Trust Scholarship last year to attend Outward Bound.
Visit this articleHip Hop 2025
Any students who would like to be part of a Trinity Hip Hop Crew for 2025 must sign up now.
Visit this articleInformation Evening: Tips and Tricks for NCEA
An evening to provide information around NCEA is being held in the Trinity College Auditorium on Thursday 13th February, and all are welcome to attend.
Visit this articleU17 Otago Softball Honours
Trinity Catholic College student Riley Matthews (Year 12), represents Otago in age-group softball team.
Visit this articleA Message from our Bursar - School Accounts
Information on School Accounts have been outlined below to help you plan for the year ahead.
Visit this articleCatholic Diocese Attendance Dues
Fees for attendance at a Catholic School in Dunedin are issued by and payable to the Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. These are separate to Trinity Catholic College.
Visit this articleStudent Identification Cards
Trinity Catholic College student ID cards available for 2025
Visit this articleNew Order for Sport Hoodies 2025
Look smart and stay warm in the new Trinity Catholic College Sports Hoodies. Designed by students for students AND supporters! The first order for the year will be placed over the next week, so get in fast!
Visit this articleContact Details - Please Update
Are the contact details we have on file for you and your whānau up-to-date?
Visit this articleOtago Basketball Age Group Rep Trials
Registrations are now open for the upcoming Basketball Otago Representative Season (U16, U18 & U20).
Visit this articleOtago Nuggets looking for Volunteers
The Otago Nuggets Basketball Team is looking for volunteers for their upcoming 2025 season
Visit this articleDunedin Summer Shakespeare
Coding Lessons Available
Coding NZ presents an opportunity for students across the motu to engage in online coding lessons.
Visit this article