Understanding NCEA

Steve ReadJanuary 29, 2020

We would like to invite you and your daughter/son to an education evening we’ve called “Understanding NCEA” to be held at school, on Thursday 13th February at 7.30pm. in the College Auditorium.

The focus will be on Year 11 students and their parents, however parents and students at all year levels are welcome to attend.

The aim of the evening is for you to find out more about achievement under NCEA and what is involved in assessment in a variety of subjects. 

 Further explanation of the schools Assessment policy and the students’ rights and responsibilities with regards to assessment through Years 11-13 will also be provided. Some time will be spent emphasising student skills and issues such as the implications of positive study habits from the outset, planning the year and managing time etc.

We look forward to seeing as many as possible of our year 11 NCEA Level 1 students and their parents or caregivers at this meeting. We are keen to do all we can to ensure our students are fully advantaged and supported to be successful with NCEA.

Yours sincerely

Steve Read
Deputy Principal & NZQA Liaison

Jill Armstrong
NCEA Co-ordinator 

Lynley Harris
Year 11 Dean 

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