by Nicki Ridden-Angus

Student Contract of Behavior

A copy of the terms of behavior that your student signed when they applied to come to Trinity Catholic College can be found below. Trinity applies these rules to all students, so that we may live and learn together.

Trinity Catholic College exists to promote excellence in a climate of Christian faith. We must all try to contribute to an atmosphere of harmony, mutual respect for and an understanding of the different expressions of faith in the world.

I agree that I will try my best to:

  • Promote happy and supportive relationships between myself, other students and staff.
  • Participate in a life of faith
  • Enjoy success in academic, work, sport and culture, both in class and out of school through hard work and concentrated effort
  • Express my opinions and concerns honestly and appropriately with an attitude of respect
  • Accept the advice and guidance of my teachers and others who have responsibility
  • I have read these guidelines and rules of the College and understand that I must abide by them

From time to time, some students may have difficulty living up to this code. We pride ourselves on our pastoral care and the College will always counsel and discuss problems before considering removal.

Where students are involved in repeatedly breaking the College rules, contact is made with home (either parents and/or agent), warning of the likely consequences. If the behavior continues, a second and final warning is given. Failure to follow that warning will involve the school contacting NZ Immigration to have the student's visa removed. The student is then sent home.