Matt Tilley — Nov 5, 2023

We've experienced another thrilling couple of weeks at Kura, filled with a diverse array of activities and engaging learning programs both inside and outside the classroom. One standout event was Wednesday's athletics day at Kura Park, where all our rangatahi (youth) showcased their skills. Fortunately, the decision to postpone proved to be well-timed, with the weather cooperating and a gentle breeze providing relief from the blazing Bay sun. Following spirited participation in various track and field events, the day culminated in the eagerly awaited 100m finals—a true highlight. Congratulations to our talented kura kids and the athletes who have earned the opportunity to represent our school at the Porirua Inter School event on Wednesday.

Our appreciation goes to Ngāti Toa Rangatira for their warm manaakitanga (hospitality) in hosting our year 6 tamariki at Takapūwāhia Marae for their Noho this week. It's a special place in our community, and we consider ourselves fortunate to have exposed all our soon-to-be graduates to its cultural richness. Our tamariki represented our kura admirably, displaying immense respect and high standards throughout their stay.

A friendly reminder that Friday, November 17, is a Teachers Only Day. Our dedicated kaiako will be attending the He Whakahāngai Course at Ūpane. This course is tailored to assist educators in implementing the local curriculum using iwi-specific resources. Our kaiako will engage with these resources, building confidence to share and apply them across all learning environments. The session will encompass ngā waiata o Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Toa history, values, and tikanga.

We extend our gratitude for your continuous support of our kura.

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself