Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell

Titahi Bay School —

Tēna Koe, Talofa Lava, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Bula vinaka, Fakalofa lahi atu, Taloha ni, Fakatalofa atu and warm greetings to you all.


We are now in week 3 of Term 3 and we are working hard at school. This wet weather does make it harder to get outside and get physical but our KURA kids just go with the plan for the day.

I want to thank all the coaches and Managers who are running Saturday sports for our school and ensuring that our KURA kids get to play Netball and Hockey.  

Titahi Bay Blue - Monique Byres
Titahi Bay Red - Kristen Brosnahan (Manager) Lyss Biel (Coach)

Paul O'Callaghan, Jude Pointon and Alexander Lindsay

A reminder if you need any warm jackets, beanies or shoes we have a stack of them at school and you only need to tell Jodene or Lisa in the school office.

This week is Maths Week here at school. During this week we aim to immerse our children in even more maths than usual. We have quizzes happening each day in classes, estimation activities going around the rooms, a problem-solving race for our Ngahere hub on Monday, a problem-solving challenge for our Year 3 and 4 children on Tuesday, and a multi-choice challenge on Friday for Years 5/6. Our Te Wana and Kakano hubs will also be involved in a maths scavenger hunt around the school. Within classes, children will work to produce an art piece that encompasses a mathematical aspect. We know our children will have a lot of fun and look forward to sharing photos in a later newsletter. 

Our school is so lucky to have 3 Trainees from Victoria University starting from Monday the 16th August.  Khaylen Huriwai in Room 12 with Jacinta, Taylor Tuffery in R13 with Grace, and Tracey Mill in Room 14 with Charlotte. Trainees bring a new lens to our school, ask us many questions, and make us really think about the WHY we do some things.  If you are in school pop into the classes and say hello.