Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell


Jamie Merrick —

We were so fortunate to have had restriction levels lifted so that we could come together at the end of last term to farewell our Princess Kerry like a Queen.

We’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Kerry’s 28+ year’s of service to our school. Known around school as ‘Mrs Delaney’, ‘Mrs D’, ‘Princess Kerry’, Kerry or KD. She is remembered by past and present pupils, whānau of pupils and staff members for the impact she had on them. Most often these people talk about the way she made them feel, the way she made them laugh, and the way she helped them.

Kerry started her teaching career at Tītahi Bay School in the mid 1990s, and quickly moved up into a Senior Leader role. She led change and fun, always putting the needs of children first.

Kerry became principal in 2011 and then the physical changes here at school really took off. New buildings, playgrounds, kitchens, murals and a bike track were championed and actioned by her. The vibrant, colourful school that we have now is a result of her leadership and vision.

As well as the physical changes at school Kerry encouraged her staff to look at what we were doing for our learners and to question whether we could do better. She always managed to find funds for new approaches and resources that were going to improve learning for our students.

Kerry always puts people first.  She was always adamant that no child miss out on any opportunity for any reason, physical or financial and would fight to make sure they didn’t.

KD has been a fantastic Boss to our staff. She has looked out for our Well Being and she has taken a genuine interest in our lives.

She has led our school ensuring our TAMARIKI are at the heart of every decision.  All while using her knowledge of our area, the past and her connections to support families.

She has walked alongside so many people when they have been in difficult situations.

Her commitment to ensuring people are treated with kindness and respect at every stage of their learning, and teaching journey showed Kerry's leadership style - Leading with not only her Head but with her Heart and her Hands - For this we have been so extremely grateful!

So on behalf of not only the current Full Staff of Tītahi Bay School but also on behalf of all those in our profession that you have touched, mentored, helped, walked alongside, and inspired with your knowledge, heart and general sharing of yourself.

We are so thankful and we honour her as our Principal, our Boss, Mentor, Colleague and Friend.

ENJOY this next stage of your life Kerry.  May you and Jim LOVE what’s to come xx