Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell


Jamie Merrick —

Our 2022 Book Week is in week 4 this term 23rd - 27th May. We love reading and want to really celebrate it!

We aim to have a variety of activities over the week that aim to promote the enjoyment of reading.

Image by: Lisa Campbell

We will have Book Quizzes in the morning.  A separate one for year 1-2, Year 3 and year 4-6. The winners will be announced on Friday and receive their prize.

We will have teachers ‘Reading around the rooms’.  This is where teachers go and read to a class other than their own so children get to hear a variety of teachers read.

A teacher will be reading in the library each day at the start of lunchtime for any children that want to pop in and hear a story.

We will be having an extra, optional Reading Challenge for students this year. Each child can challenge themselves to read more books, pages of books (for children reading chapter books), listen to audio books or have books read to them by a parent or sibling. These can be recorded on their individual reading challenge charts and handed back to their class teacher on Friday the 27th of May. There will be prizes for students who read the most or who show a positive attitude towards reading during book week.

DRESS UP DAYFriday 27th May. Please reuse things you have at home and be creative in making costumes. The aim of this day is fun, we don’t want it to be a costly exercise. If children have dress ups at home already this is a great chance to bring them out. We have seen some amazingly creative home made costumes over the years made from cardboard boxes and paint. We will have a parade after roll in the morning on the middle court or in the hall if the weather is unkind.

BOOK SWAP We will be holding a book swap on Thursday 26th May (Week 4). This event allows students to bring in their old books from home and swap them. Your child will be given a token for each book they bring in which they can then use to purchase other books.
Please send your books to your classroom teacher the week before books swap (week 3). They will record the number of books brought in and tokens will be handed out on the day.

The books will need to be in good/readable condition, suitable for other children to read and due to our limited space we ask that you bring in no more than 5 books per child.

This is a wonderful opportunity to exchange books that have been read multiple times for something new and unknown.