Jacinta Kelleher — Oct 19, 2023

We will be running our Year 6 camp at El Rancho in Waikanae.  We are booked in from Wednesday 21 February through to Friday 23 February.  https://elrancho.co.nz/.

We invite parents to a meeting at school Monday 6 November 2023 at 5pm in the staffroom where we will share more information and register interest of any parents wishing to attend camp as helpers.   We will need 10 parent helpers for camp.

The cost for camp is approximately $295 per child.   With grants and school funding we have managed to lower the cost to whānau to $100 per child.   This can be paid straight away or set up as smaller amounts regularly to total this amount prior to camp.   If this will be difficult for your whānau please contact jodene.gooch@titahibay.school.nz.

Any questions regarding camp please send to jacinta.kelleher@titahibay.school.nz.