Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell


Matt Tilley —

Kia ora ngā whānau o te kura o Tītahi Bay

Another beautiful week of weather in Tītahi Bay and our tamariki are loving being a part of all the exciting opportunities that Book Week has to offer. On Monday we saw a house event return to our Kura after a long time. This involved Tuakana-Teina with our senior ākonga working closely alongside our juniors.

I want to thank all the wonderful tamariki who wrote impressive persuasive letters explaining the need for new basketball hoops. Their mahi was rewarded and the hoops are getting lots of use during break times.

DRESS UP DAY - Friday 27th May.  Please reuse things you have at home and be creative in making costumes. The aim of this day is fun, we don’t want it to be a costly exercise. If children have dress ups at home already this is a great chance to bring them out. We have seen some amazingly creative home made costumes over the years made from cardboard boxes and paint. We will have a parade after the roll in the morning on the middle court or in the hall if the weather is unkind.

On Monday 30th May we will have a Pōwhiri for new whānau - meet in the office at 9.00am.

Reminder that Friday 3rd June is a teacher only day so school will be closed for instruction.   On this day our teachers will be completing their first aid training.   YMCA will not be open this day.

Yesterday morning we were lucky to take 50 Kura Kids to the Tough Guy & Tough Gal Challenge in Wainuiomata. They ran through a gruelling course of mud and obstacles, showing resilience and persistence. We were incredibly proud of them all for sticking it out. This is another awesome example of opportunities opening back up for everyone.

Working together with whānau helps our Kura be the best and safest possible place to learn so I would like to remind you all of five very important messages:

  1. Please bring your children to school at 8:30 at the earliest.

  2. All tamariki using wheels (skateboards/scooters etc are to wear a helmet at ALL times).  If your child requires a helmet please contact Matua Gardner delwyn.gardner@titahibay.school.nz as we have a few available at school.

  3. Like almost all schools, we are a water only Kura.

  4. Lollies don’t help learning therefore are not to be brought to school.

  5. Apart from picking up a child during the day, please do not use the school driveway.

Thank you for your ongoing support for our Kura and community.