ERO - Education Review Office
Kerry Delaney - September 9, 2021
The Education Review Office has a new way of working with schools. They don't come in every 3 years for a few days and then leave and a report is written. They now work alongside us over a period of time and ensure that we are compliant and we can show data and achievement and they look at school systems and processes. Sarah Campbell and I have met with our ERO person twice now and we will start the compliance area over term 3.
What does ERO want to know? ERO is interested in evaluating the information and practices the school has to show how it meets regulatory standards and provides for the health and safety of your children. To find this out, ERO will assess whether the service is meeting the regulatory standards associated with curriculum, premises and facilities, health and safety and governance, management and administration. ERO reviewers will talk with adults in the service, read documents and observe aspects of the curriculum. ERO will also, be interested in how parents and whānau are supported to contribute to their child’s learning and how kaiako and parents and whānau are involved in decision-making in the service. Once we have all the information we need, ERO will summarise what we found in a brief report. The report will be sent to your service and will be published on our website after the review (