Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell


Matt Tilley —

Ensuring Child Safety Through Responsible Parking

Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our tamariki so please park legally and responsibly. The parking enforcement team visited our Kura last week following complaints from parents with growing concerns about child safety.

It is understandable that drop-off and pick-up times can be hectic, and everyone is trying to manage their busy schedules. However, we cannot overlook the fact that illegal parking poses serious risks to our students.

We kindly request the cooperation of all parents to abide by the parking regulations, traffic laws and school expectations. Here are a few essential points to consider:

1. Designated Drop-Off/Pick-Up Areas: Please use the designated drop-off and pick-up zones exclusively. These areas are designed to ensure the safety of our students and maintain a smooth flow of traffic. Parking on curbs and yellow lines obscures the sight of our road patrol team.

2. No Double Parking or Blocking: Double parking or blocking driveways hampers visibility for both pedestrians, drivers and our road patrollers. This can lead to accidents, especially involving our young tamariki who may be difficult to spot.

3. Respect School Driveway: Do not use the school driveway between 8:30 am - 9:00 am and 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm for any reason.

4. Be Patient and Courteous: We understand that mornings and afternoons can be rushed, but a patient and courteous attitude towards fellow parents and school staff will contribute to a safer environment for all.

5. Corner of Kura & Waiuta: Tamariki cross here to get to and from kura so please allow the legal 6 metres from the corner.  This means that our tamariki get a clear view of oncoming traffic when they cross the road.

We kindly ask for your support in maintaining a safe environment for our children. It's not just about adhering to the rules; it's about ensuring the safety and well-being of the entire school community. Let us set a positive example for our children by demonstrating responsible behaviour in our daily interactions.