Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Campbell


Titahi Bay School —

Good eyesight and eye health are not only important for a child’s education and learning, but also for their physical and social development – from sport to social engagement. Eye conditions and sight loss can be hard to identify in children so it’s important to get your child’s eyes tested regularly during their schooling years.

Children are spending more time than ever on screens as part their learning, socialising and playtime. While this is often necessary, young people are more susceptible to developing near-sightedness, or myopia, as their eyes continue to develop.

Specsavers Porirua is encouraging parents to keep an eye out for these common signs that may indicate something’s wrong with their child’s vision:

· Straining their eyes or tilting their head to help them see better

· Complaining of headaches or tired eyes

· Frequently rubbing their eyes

· Losing their place or using their finger to guide them when reading

· Closing one eye to help them read or see the screen better

· Sitting close to the TV or holding a device or book very close

· Falling behind in school

· Sensitivity to light

Specsavers Porirua Optometrist, Forum Patel, advises parents that “as children’s eyes are still developing during their schooling years, it’s important to identify any potential issues early so they can be corrected or managed.”

“If your child complains about headaches, blurred vision or any other issues with their eyes, no matter how mild, I recommend booking an appointment with an optometrist straight away rather than waiting until their next check-up.

“Bi-annual eye tests should be part of the school list for children and teens,” he said.

There are a few simple things that you can do to support your child’s eye health, including encouraging them to drink more, blink more and take regular breaks from screens or devices. A simple way to remember to take a break is following the ‘20,20,20’ rule – it’s as simple as looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

If you have any concerns about your child’s eye health or vision, call the team at Specsavers Porirua on 04 238 4030 whose qualified and experienced optometrists are on hand 7 days a week. Best of all, Specsavers Porirua offers free eye tests for children under the age of 16.