Hero photograph
Greg Hings, Ann Gilroy, Ann Hassan
Photo by Kevin Thompson

The Tui Motu Team

Ann Gilroy —

Tui Motu InterIslands magazine has three permanent staff, a contractor, a cleaner and a treasury of volunteers:

Ann Gilroy, editor, works full-time.
Ann Hassan, assistant editor and administrator, works part-time 25 hrs per week every minute packed with commitment to her role.
Greg Hings is contracted for 22 hours per month and in that time creates a magazine out of a cadre of files.
Holly Moroney cleans the premises with care fortnightly in 2 hours.
Christine Crowe, a professional proofreader, volunteers each month to proofread the issue and so assists in keeping the high standard of the magazine.
Kevin Thompson is our volunteer accountant.
John Anson was our volunteer IT support until we engaged a local firm. 

In August-September of 2021 the office was closed for four weeks because of COVID Lockdown and Ann and Ann worked from home — which was not a hardship. However, it meant that the printing of the September issue of the magazine was delayed. We posted the September and October issues together. 

The team includes writers, reviewers and artists.

Regular Columnists, Reviewers and Writers

Mary Betz — Cross Currents columnist until December 2021
Jack Derwin — monthly Page 3 columnist until February 2022
Kaaren Mathias  — monthly columnist of Looking Out and In
Shanti Mathias — bimonthly columnist
Shar Mathias — bimonthly columnist
Kathleen Rushton — monthly Gospel article
Paul Sorrell — monthly film, TV and Netflix reviewer
Clare Curran — bimonthly Page 3 columnist starting March 2022
Jane Higgins — monthly columnist of Cross Currents starting in February 2022

Resignations and New Columnists

This year we have lost two writers who have made a valuable contribution and we are thankful for their commitment to Tui Motu. The readers' survey showed that they were both popular writers. 

We gained two writers as well. Both have written articles for the magazine before and are now taking on a columnist's role. 

Jack Derwin resigned in February 2022 after writing for the magazine for six years. The last three years Jack wrote the Page 3 column.
Clare Curran started writing a bimonthly Page 3 column.
Mary Betz resigned from writing Cross Currents in December 2021.
Jane Higgins started writing the Cross Currents column in February 2021.

Regular Feature Writers

We have a group of writers with theological backgrounds and creative and engaging writing styles whom we call on regularly to write:

Neil Darragh
Mary Thorne
Mike Riddell — RIP March 2022
Mary Betz
Thomas O'Loughlin
Massimo Faggioli

We were shocked and saddened to hear that Mike Riddell had died unexpectedly on 28 March 2022. Mike had just written his last article for the April 2022 issue of the magazine. The feedback from readers indicates their appreciation for Mike's reflections.

Mike Riddell — Image by: Mike Riddell
"Aue, this is sad indeed. What qualities of living he has shown us. What strength, what forthrightness and courage to hold to the lines of truth as he discerned them throughout his life. I am going to honour his memory and gift to us by going out now and two outrageously radical actions that I might have thought twice or three times a day and not done anything and when I get into trouble I will reflect on the "Riddell factor" and celebrate my association with a great man for our times.
Kua oti ona mahi i tenei wa. No reira, Mike, haere ki to moe roa ki tua i te arai.
Nga mihi aroha ki te whanau pani i tenei wa tino pouri.
Ki a tatou katoa, nga morehu, kia kaha mo nga wa ki haere mai.
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa." Anton Spelman, Tāmaki Makaurau
"We appreciated Mike’s penetrating insights and his ability to express his ideas clearly and incisively and always with compassion. We never met Mike in person but feel that a friend has gone. We really appreciate your last sentence: 'Dear Mike, we feel an emptiness without you with us. We will miss you greatly. But we know that you are now embraced in the Mystery, that fullness of love and beauty beyond death.'" Jill and John Meredith, Lincoln
"We have a new and enhanced appreciation for the writings of Mike Riddell and value very much his contribution to our spiritual growth and understanding." Susan and Roger Ledingham, Nelson
"How saddened and taken aback I was upon reading about the sudden death of Mike Riddell. I am well aware of Mike’s mana and justice footprint throughout Aotearoa. May he rest
in Love!" Cathy Harrison, Christchurch
"But a world without Mike Riddell and his wise words (recently I was re-reading his lovely Tui Motu article on Lent) is a sadder world for me." Barbara Grant, Auckland
"I feel as if I have lost a friend and kindred spirit — and I know him only through his articles in Tui Motu." Pauline Morgan, Adelaide

New Writers for 2021-2022

We published the work of 32 new (to Tui Motu) writers during the year. These writers contributed a diversity of voices in the magazine — gender, age, culture, faith, expertise:

Laurelei Bautista, Joe Green, Rachel Macintosh, Marilyn Waring, Michelia Miles, Peter O'Neil, Ranisha Chand, Pauline Koorey, Caroline Grimshaw, Annette Scullion, Danny Karatea-Goddard, Michael Otto, Zahra Muhammed, Emma Kelly, Chris Skinner, Rosemary Riddell, Connors, Grey Nelson, Sue Seconi, Fuimaono Tuiasau, Janne Pender, Graeme Siddle, Simone Campbell, Maru Karatea-Goddrd, Margaret Bedggood, Damian Wynn-Williams, Peter Slocum, David More, Lucas Keefer, Bridget Crisp, Barbara Cameron, Boyd Wilson.

We also published the contributions of 16 students from Catholic secondary schools:

Ann-Maria Tony, Eve Hagenson, Niamh McCarthy, Sophie Koning, Zyon Lesoa-Stewart, Linzie Mataafa, Charlotte Fuimaono, Katrina Tominiko, Jade Henare, Jessica Lopez, Zeta Martin, Aria Bercic, Isaac Going, Destiny Lim, Emma Golightly, Aisha Atiq.

We are grateful for the support we received from Sacred Heart Girls College, New Plymouth, McAuley High School, Otāhuhu Auckland and Pompallier Catholic College, Whangārei.

Acknowledgement of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We have continued to include te reo Māori on the cover of each issue and in articles. We look for opportunities to include Māori writers and Māori perspectives and have printed the artwork of a number of Māori artists. We are grateful to Makareta Tawaroa RSJ who, with her whānau, acts as our principal advisor in te reo Māori.

Contributing Artists

Tui Motu magazine benefits substantially in many ways from artists who allow us to print their work. During the 2021-2022 year 55 artists from Aotearoa and around the world donated their art and photography representing a donation of over $5,500. We also use photography from a number of websites.

Book Reviews

We published brief reviews of 51 books from New Zealand and overseas publishers. All the books were given by the publishers and Tui Motu passes the book on to reviewers in gratitude for their contributions. Reviewers are also subscribers to the magazine. A collection of all books reviewed in the magazine is available on our website.