Hero photograph

Lockdown Thought — Day 48 now at Level 3

Robert Consedine —

This is the penultimate Thought. On Thursday Aotearoa New Zealand will move into Level 2 and we'll be going back to the Office. If you have appreciated these thoughts and are not already a subscriber to Tui Motu magazine, please support us at this time by taking a subscription — form attached below. We need your subscription to keep publishing and Tui Motu is a very desirable magazine.

As Christians we either engage with the world in all the chaos, or become irrelevant. We don’t have to know all the answers — no-one does. The world is moving on. The old certainties are gone. We need to stay connected to the fundamental truth that the whole of evolution is driven by love — which is God. It’s a dazzling and hope-filled vision.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 182 May 2014: 31

Three new cases yesterday — and we'll be moving to level 2 on Thursday!

Liberating Spirit

We're giddy and grateful and cautious and excited

Be our support in the messiness of change

Our encouragement as we grow in resilience

Our peace when we're overwhelmed

Our depth turning us from negativity

Our home when we're feeling adrift

Our champion when we dip in confidence

Our conscience if we risk the community's health

Our music when we're celebrating

Our grace circulating kindness in us

Our heart blossoming with love

And our companion living with us wholeheartedly now and into level 2.

For a laugh, a special for parents and a little compilation of Minuscule: