Hero photograph
Cover: "The Curia Is the Pope"
Photo by Mount Salis Press

The Curia Is the Pope: and Why It Cannot Listen

Anna Holmes —

by John O’Loughlin Kennedy. Published by Mount Salus Press, 2020. Reviewed by Anna Holmes

John O’Loughlin Kennedy is an economist and co-founder of international relief and development organisation Concern Worldwide. The Curia Is the Pope is his slightly repetitive reflection on Church History, in which he posits that bureaucracies, while appearing to serve organisations, exist only for their own power and control.

The bureaucracy of the Roman Empire took over the management of the Church in 313CE. The Curia’s control increased over centuries, with a hierarchical priesthood demanding secrecy, obedience and punishment of any who questioned it. At Vatican Council I it proclaimed infallibility as a key to blocking power sharing and the healing of Church divisions.

When John XXIII proclaimed the Second Vatican Council, to renew a Synodal Church, the Curia was quick to silence and eject those who supported change. This rejection of change continued under the next two popes.

Pope Francis is now attempting to renew the Church and there have been energetic attempts to discredit him. He also threatens the Curia by calling a 2022 World Synod of Bishops, who must all first consult their lay members.

I recommend this exposure of Curial manipulation and control of the Church by deceit, poor scholarship and coercion to all who wonder why the Church is so out of touch with its people.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 262 August 2021: 27