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Cover: Walking Together
Photo by Orbis Books

Walking Together: The Way of Synodality

Stuart Henrys —

By Pope Francis. Published by Orbis Books, 2023. (USD 26). Reviewed by Stuart Henrys

In Walking Together Pope Francis calls for a more collaborative and participatory approach to decision-making in the Catholic Church. This compact collection of Pope Francis’s reflections, speeches, letters and extracts from encyclicals, reveals a developing theology of synodality — the cornerstone of his pontificate. Francis emphasises the importance of listening to humanity’s voices and to cultivating a culture of encounter and dialogue, where different opinions and ideas can be shared and discussed in a spirit of prayer, openness and humility.

I recommend Walking Together to our bishops, priests and lay leaders as a reminder that Pope Francis is giving muscle to Vatican II’s vision of a more vibrant and inclusive community of faith, where we are all invited to participate and contribute to the life of the Church. The recent synods — Family, Young People and Amazon — have become progressively dynamic, with more robust consultations and an openness to challenging topics. Pope Francis is providing a roadmap for a synodal Church. Can we finally dare to dream that the enlarged space of our tent embraces and inspires the skills of all the baptised in shaping a
different Church?

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 284 August 2023: 27