Hero photograph
Photo by Westminster John Knox Press

Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians

Lynne Taylor —

by Austen Hartke. Published by Westminster John Knox Press, 2018. Reviewed by Lynne Taylor

If you would like to better understand issues around gender and sexuality, then Austen Hartke’s book is for you. In it, Hartke, like a kind friend, answers your questions and shares stories and theological reflection on gender identity. He offers a largely accessible read, with scholarly endnotes and suggestions for further reading.

In the first part, Hartke introduces his story, along with some of the issues facing gender diverse people. He then clearly defines key terms, and introduces three ways that gender identity issues are generally understood theologically.

The second (larger) part provides biblical and theological reflection, interspersed with stories from transgender Christians. What are the gender implications of being made in the image of God? How should we read bible passages on gender roles? What can we learn from eunuchs? What does Jesus’s abundant life look like? There is much to be explored here, and I recommend a slow and thoughtful read.

The book concludes with practical suggestions for how the church can support trans people.

I appreciated Hartke’s gentle (and remarkable) graciousness. He wants you to understand, because he cares about people. He offers a pastoral interweaving of theology, bible and personal stories as he works to create space for the flourishing of people of all gender identities.

Tui Motu magazine. Issue 238 June 2019: 28