Hero photograph
Cover: What Are You Looking For?
Photo by Paulist Press

What Are You Looking For? Seeking the God Who Is Seeking You

Patricia Williams —

By Joan Chittister OSB. Published by Paulist Press, 2019. Reviewed by Patricia Williams

This small book is a comprehensive resume of contemporary Religious Life. For someone who is considering the pros and cons of such a life for themselves or is simply curious, it would be truly informative.

Joan Chittister covers all aspects of vowed community — through the history of Religious Life and into a relevant expression for today. She has an easy to read, direct style of writing and is able to present a fascinating summary of all that is noble and ordinary in community religious life. I particularly liked her ability to do this using the insights of psychology as well as the usual backing of scripture and theology.

Joan frequently uses the term “Religious Life” — Catholic readers will know that this refers to religious congregations but others may be initially confused. After all, are not all followers of Jesus called to live a “religious” life?

Joan presents an inspiring call to bring about the Reign of God through vowed community life. Although her book is slanted towards an active ministry, I would like to have seen “being-ness” given equal value. And I would have been curious to read her take on the looming global extinction in relationship to Religious Life as we have known it.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 239 July 2019: 31