Hero photograph
Photo by Manuel Velasquez on Unsplash

Lockdown Thought — Day 35 now Level 3

Kaaren Mathias —

We are all invited to build relationships with “the other” — whether that means children, sad or mad people, people with different ethnic or sexual identity, people who are not employed, or life that is not human. Because God is everywhere — no one and nowhere is excluded from love in our bubbles and in our world.

Adapted from: Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 227 June 2018: 32

Risen Christ

When we're feeling shut in, let us walk the local area

When our patience is failing, let us change our focus

When we're proud of our family, let us hug whoever is near

When we're grateful for government leadership, let us follow their guidance

When we're feeling overwhelmed, let's remember why we're quarantined

When we're tempted to buy stuff, let's commit to sustainable living

When we're judging others, let's remember neighbourliness

When we're grieved by illness and death, let us be grateful for healing and recovery

When we're thinking only of people, let us appreciate other life around us

For it's in loving that we're enriched

And by our loving that we grow into communion.

For a laugh and a tender moment: