Priestly Ministry and the People of God: Hopes and Horizons
Edited by Richard R Gaillardetz, Thomas H Groome and Richard Lennan. Published by Orbis Books, 2022. (USD 30) Reviewed by Kevin Gallagher
Priestly Ministry and the People of God offers scholarly contributions on the future of Catholic priesthood. The 19 contributors, eminently qualified in theological and seminary formation, reference Vatican II documents, relevant encyclicals and Pope Francis’s desire to breathe fresh air into the theology and practice of diocesan priesthood, in their articles. Each writer reviews the document "To Serve the People of God: Renewing the Conversation on Priestly Ministry", the fruit of a seminar on Priesthood and Ministry for the Contemporary Church.
This collection invites conversation toward a new model of diocesan priestly formation and ministry at this time of crisis. It warmed my heart that the writers highlight the importance of relationships and collaboration in ministry for seminarians throughout their formation, especially with their own faith communities. Several authors warn of isolation leading to clerical exceptionalism among ordinands.
I hope all involved with the formation of priests and others in ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand will read this book. It calls us to listen in a synodal way to the teaching of Vatican II with its focus on the ministry of all the baptised, to develop together our own new model of priestly formation among and with all the people of God.
Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 280 April 2023: 27