Hero photograph
Photo by Alex Zarate on Unsplash

Season of Creation — Day 13

Kaaren Mathias —

The invitation is to turn from our busy thoughts and earnest striving and rest on our backs, trusting the pillows of grace that are underneath, beside and around us. Poet Denise Levertov distils these thoughts in "The Avowal". May we be as hawks resting upon air:

As swimmers dare 
to lie face to the sky
and water bears them, 
as hawks rest upon air
and air sustains them, 
so would I learn to attain 
freefall, and float
into Creator Sprit's deep embrace,
knowing no effort earns
that all-surrounding grace.

Adapted from Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 237 May 2019

A little research: Let's find out which political parties have the most effective and far-reaching climate change policies. It is urgent for all life in Earth.

For a laugh and maybe inspiration: