Pat Neuwelt — Jun 1, 2019

By Richard Rohr. Published by Convergent Books, SPCK Publishing, 2019 Reviewed by Pat Neuwelt

The Universal Christ is Richard Rohr’s hot-off-the-press book — an absolute gem! It is a call to personal spiritual transformation and action for peace in the world. Rohr invites the reader to explore a richer understanding of Jesus in both his humanity and divinity — a Jesus Christ for our time. In my view, this book encapsulates Rohr’s core teachings.

Drawing on a lifetime of study and human enquiry as a Franciscan priest and teacher of the Christian contemplative path, Rohr offers a series of profound insights that take the reader on a journey.

It begins in Part 1, “Another Name for Everything”, in which he explores who and what “Christ” is, drawing on rich insights from science and from many Christian mystics.

In Part 2, “The Great Comma”, Rohr takes the reader deeply into the humanity of Jesus, openly critiquing Church teachings offering “a disembodied Jesus”. Rohr states: “Humanity needs a Jesus who is historical, relevant for real life, physical and concrete, like we are ... a Jesus we can practically imitate, and who sets the bar for what it means to be fully human. And a Christ who is big enough to hold all creation together in one harmonious unity.”

While this book may sound heavy, Rohr writes in a conversational style that is honest, often humorous and truly heart-warming. For example, after dedicating the book to his recently deceased dog he later writes: “Honestly, and without any stretch, my dog Venus taught me more about ‘real presence’ over a 15-year period than my theological manual ever did.” The writing style invites personal reflection. The book lends itself to being slowly savoured alone, but can also be broken open collectively. It is a book worthy of shared study by a circle of friends or small faith community — and there is a companion study guide available for purchase. 

The Universal Christ is highly recommended to anyone who has an inkling that Christ is truly another name for everything, a force of Love at the heart of the universe.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 238 June 2019: 23