Tui Motu, Kevin Clement — Jan 27, 2020

With sadness we acknowledge the death of Shirley Erena Murray on Saturday afternoon 25 January 2020.

Whether church-going or not many New Zealanders will know some music or lyrics by Shirley Murray. Over the years, Shirley graciously shared her work in Tui Motu magazine, the last time was her poem, Child of Spirit, Child of Light, published in the December 2017 issue.  

Shirley's family wrote: "Mum had been in declining health for some months, and was accepting of the last passage of her life, so her it was both a relief for her and the family, despite the obvious sadness."

Professor Kevin Clement, a close friend of Shirley (and writer for Tui Motu magazine), shares his tribute:

"Valerie and I are deeply saddened to learn of the death today of Shirley Erena Murray, an old and much loved friend of ours for the last 55 years. John, her partner was our University Chaplain at Victoria University in Wellington. Shirley, as is so often the case in clerical marriages, kept an open home while looking after their three wonderful children David, Rob and Alistair. Their home was always open to students and friends and Shirley was always there to affirm our latest good cause; help us keep the faith in opposing nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They were both deeply involved in the anti-apartheid struggle. While John was the public face of the couple Shirley was always hugely creative and, apart from Colin Gibson, was probably one of New Zealand's leading hymn writers.

Shirley was an Otago graduate with an MA (Honours) in Classics and French and received an Hon Litt.D a few years ago for all the wonderful hymns she wrote to imbed her faith in these three islands. She wrote a "Hymn for Anzac Day" (Honour the Dead), "Hymn for Waitangi Day" (Where Mountains Rise) and "God Bless Our Land"' More recently her hymn "It is Time! (A Song about White poppies for Peace)" reminded all of us of the courage of conscientious objectors in opposing war.

Her hymns went all around the world because they were so contemporary and always testified to modern beliefs about God and the world. She received all sorts of international awards for her hymn writing and became more famous than John as they aged.

Her carol "Upside Down Christmas" is probably her best known carol, with her lyrics set to music by Colin Gibson. This carol reminds us that we don't worship Christmas with holly and ivy but with pohutukawa and rata. Her collected hymns represent melodic tributes to New Zealand's bicultural heritage and all the things that make us distinctive as Aotearora-New Zealand.

Shirley has been in poor health recently but made sure at Christmas time that all her old friends received copies of her hymns so her spirit lives on each time we read or sing her hymns. She was and, still is, a dear and wise friend, creative, loving, caring, empathetic, steadfast. We are so sad that we hadn't managed to visit her recently because she always lit up every room she was in and her entire life was a love for and blessing of others. You knew, in her presence that she was channeling universal love. She always brought such joy and happiness to everyone. In a hymn she wrote in 2009 called "Where Does Compassion Start" she said:

"Where does compassion start?
How does compassion grow?
Her seed is at the heart
of every faith we know:
compassion honours others' place
dethroning self with willing grace...

The final verse is:

"Dynamic is the power
that heals restores and gives,
connecting at the core
with everyone who lives,
transcending culture, colour, race,
compassion builds the house of peace."

Shirley lived and embodied the values of every hymn she wrote. New Zealand is the poorer without her and those of us who counted her as friend and counselor give thanks for her ability to see beyond what is, to work for what might be and for her long life of deep, deep, love and service. We are so sad she has died. 

Love and thanks dear Shirley for being you and commiserations to all her children and grandchildren at their loss. She was a truly great New Zealander and citizen of the world."