Hero photograph

Lockdown Thought — Day 19

Daniel O'Leary —

However driven, drained or damaged we may be, is there not always some inner belief in a feeble flicker of a finer self, a moral, mystical seed still alive in the depths of our buried life? Our essence, our DNA, our very being — are they not all somehow quickened by the breath of a mystery we call God?

Deeper than our heart, our most intimate soul, we carry an original beauty and blessing, but our fearful compulsions and desperate drives keep blocking the hints and traces of that faint but graced awareness.

From that awareness emerges our true identity. It is the treasure hidden in the neglected fields of our souls. No longer trapped in a false persona, it is called “the true self”.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 181 April 2014: 18-19
For the lower infection numbers, we rejoice
For the essential workers and those supporting them, we rejoice
For the many acts of generosity and kindness, we rejoice
For children adapting to being sequestered at home, we rejoice
For parents coping with these uncharted times, we rejoice
For the health and social services supporting the lockdown, we rejoice
For our leaders keeping us informed and reassured, we rejoice
For the creativity shared across the internet, we rejoice
For these signs of resurrection, we are grateful and rejoice.
In our sadness at the death of people, be with us 
In our fear of the uncertainty of these time, be with us
In our dread as vulnerable people are infected, be with us
In our commitment to stay in our bubbles, be with us
In this post-Easter time, be loving encouragement among us Risen Christ.

 For a little smile: