Ann Gilroy — May 22, 2023

We are blessed with volunteers — some who come to the Dunedin office, others are at their own desks at home and still more are promoting the magazine around Aotearoa in Church communities. We are heartfelt in thanking them for their invaluable contribution to the magazine and to the community of Tui Motu.

The distribution and promotion of the magazine relies on the service of volunteers. Our volunteers continue to assist in the packing, distribution and promotion of Tui Motu magazine each month. Most of our volunteers have been giving their service for years.

Labelling Envelopes and Packing Magazines

Volunteers coming regularly — once or twice a month — to the Dunedin office are:

Shirley Curran
Kathleen Currie
Ken Fahey 
Susie Logan OP
Kathy Mayo
Maureen Smith

They put labels on the all the envelopes and pack the magazines in mail trays ready to be posted.

After being delayed through ill health and the pandemic for three years, our volunteer Kathy Mayo was able to visit family and friends in England during the northern summer this year. We welcomed her back in August. 

Kathy Mayo packing the December 2022 issue on 28 November.

Susie Logan also missed volunteering for some months due to illness but was able to rejoin us before Christmas. We all missed Susie's company.

Susie Logan September 2021 morning tea 

Despite the absences, we coped well and did not need to call on other volunteers at those times.


Professional proofreader Christine Crowe, in Gisborne, gives each issue a final check before it is printed. She always finds something that has escaped us, thus helping us to keep up the standard of the magazine. Since she first offered her service Chris has become a valuable colleague.

Preparing Financial Report

Kevin Thompson once again this year assisted Ann Hassan to prepare our annual financial report.

Kevin Thompson, our volunteer accountant, and Ann Hassan our finance administrator

Promoting in Church Communities

We also have volunteers supporting and promoting Tui Motu in parishes across the country.

These include:

Maree Wrigley and Claire Ryan in Auckland
Ross Gregory in Gisborne
Rita Cahill RSJ in Whakatane
Catherine McNamara and J Hurley in Palmerston North
Liz Hickey RSJ in Whanganui
Greg Donnelly in Christchurch
Sean Brosnahan and Jan Ogilvie OP in Dunedin
Judith Robinson OP in Invercargill
as well as a number of parish priests.

Elizabeth Mackie

We lost Elizabeth Mackie OP, one of our sterling promoters, on 18 February 2023. Elizabeth had promoted the magazine at Holy Name Parish, Dunedin for many years, often selling every copy with her witty presentation each month. Elizabeth's relationship with the magazine began with the initial conversations that led to its founding and throughout its 25 years. She has been a Board director, a staff member and promoter — and always a friend and encourager. We feel her loss as do her many friends as shown in these representative messages:

"I was saddened but not surprised to hear of Elizabeth’s death on Saturday. I had a friendship with her for more than 40 years where she was always a positive force through good times and bad. Her participation as an active member or the Restorative Justice Network’s national team for nearly 20 years was something I valued very much, as her wisdom made things so much easier for the movement to advance and promote its ideas. I could say heaps more, but suffice to know that I valued her as a very special friend and source of wise guidance and will miss her. Blessings on you and the TM team as they mourn the passing of one of the “greats” of our time and Church." Jim Consedine
"Thank you for the update on Elizabeth. I had not known that she was ill. It is really sad to hear of her death. I knew her when I taught in Bluff many years ago and as a Board member of Tui Motu. One year we held the board meeting at our house in Glenorchy. Loved her intelligence and humour." Paul Ferris
"Thank you for such a great tribute to an exceptional woman. All of us who knew Elizabeth mourn her but it must be so much harder for all of you who met with her often. Kia kaha & console each other with rich memories of shared laughter and companionship." Sue O’Connor
"This is such sad news to all of us. She was super talented, super humble and super effective in all that she did .She was also a tireless worker for justice and peace everywhere she went. RIP dear Elizabeth." Kevin Clements
"Thank you for letting us know that Elizabeth has died. Her fierce intelligence never got in the way of her wonderful sense of fun and self deprecating humour. I leaned heavily on her knowledge and wisdom when I took on chairing the Board. Some of my abiding memories will be the times together we promoted Tui Motu in parishes the day after the Board meeting. She was irresistible, her enthusiasm for the magazine and its mission had people lining up to buy a copy." Philip Casey
Elizabeth Mackie OP

There is more about Elizabeth below.

We are grateful for all our volunteers' continued support, for their distribution of the magazine, and their efforts to introduce Tui Motu to new readers. And no one else is to die, please!