Paul Sorrell — Sep 2, 2021

I’ve come to see that the birds that live around us are inhabiting a parallel universe, doing all the things we do — seeking out mates, building homes, gathering food, nurturing and protecting their young.

My long-standing engagement with nature, and identification with the creatures I observe and photograph, has led to the realisation that we humans are part of an intricate, interconnected web that we harm at our own peril, and indeed to the detriment of all life on the planet.

We will only protect what we have learned to love. This is a lesson that we are slowly and painfully learning – let’s hope it’s not too late …

From: "Gazing with Love" by Paul Sorrell. Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 263 September 2021: 9 (Read full article on:
Bless us with hearts
deep enough
wide enough
open enough
hospitable enough
to keep growing love. 

For a laugh: