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Books to another Home

Books for Another Home

Ann Gilroy —

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12. The Price of Freedom: Edmund Rice Educational Leader by Denis McLaughlin. Interesting exploration of Edmund Rice's life and his beliefs about education. A readable book of nearly 400 pages.

Cover: "The Price of Freedom" — Image by: David Lovell Publishing

17. The Ethical Imagination: Journeys of the Human Spirit by Margaret Somerville. Somerville asks: "What does it mean to be human today when science fiction has become scientific fact challenging our ideas of ourselves, how we relate to others and the world, and how we find meaning in life?" She examines controversial topics and says that "only by undertaking a journey of imagination — by heeding not only reason but our stories, myths and moral intuition — can we develop an ethics to guide us into the future."

Cover: "The Ethical Imagination" — Image by: Anansi Press