
Lockdown Thought — Day 11

Singing and music somehow pull the protective layers off my heart better than most things, particularly when I engage actively — by moving, singing along, playing the piano or going to live performances. They make me lift my thoughts, give me bounce, open me to the moving of the Holy One.

Music is around me every day. It is the sounds of rain and wind. It is the squeaky scales on a daughter’s viola. It is songs, recorded and live, that I hear nearly every day. 

We're entering Holy Week in this new time. Music and singing can relieve the tensions in our lockdown bubbles, lift our spirits and fortify us for the day. 

adapted from Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 180 March 204: 32

God among us
With information and purpose, bless us 
With enough essential services staff and equipment, bless us
With healing of the ill, bless us
With care of the dead, bless us
With hope in our mourning, bless us
With cooperation of all people, bless us
With gratitude for the heroism and compassion around us, bless us
From idiotic and dangerous behaviours, save us
From fear and panic, save us
From self-absorption and hoarding, save us
From feeling overwhelmed, save us
From unjustly blaming others, save us
From stir-craziness in our bubbles, save us
From violence and abuse, save us
From the coronavirus, save all in the world.

To Do:

Today is Palm Sunday. You might like to put a palm or flax frond, or similar greenery, in your front window — maybe in a cross shape but it's not necessary — so those going along the street are reminded that in this Holy Week we are staying home to save further suffering in our world. 


New articles, book and film reviews, comments and a discussion of today's gospel reading on our website — 

And for a laugh:  

The video is by a family from Wellington, New Zealand. 

(I've ordered the dress in three different colours! Ed.)