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Beyond Literal Belief

Book Review: Beyond Literal Belief

Judith Courtney —

Beyond Literal Belief: Religion as Metaphor. By David Tacey. Published by Garratt Publishing, 2015. Reviewed by Judith Courtney.

David Tacey, with his strong background in literature, wants bible readers to understand the literary genre of scripture so they are able to interpret biblical narratives meaningfully. Dr Tacey’s contention is that scripture is far too often interpreted literally even though its writers were knowingly using literary genres of myth and metaphor. A literal or historical interpretation not only reduces the narratives to "fairy tales" and miraculous events but leaves the bible reader with an impoverished understanding of scripture and a diminished spiritual life. Tacey says: 

“The gospels offer interpretations of events using the language of myth.” 
“Truth requires the elaboration of facts and the use of metaphor.” 

The first chapters give the reader with an understanding of myth, metaphor and the soul’s symbolic code. He continues then by discussing metaphor and myth in biblical stories such as the Virgin birth, the Resurrection, the Apocalypse and the road to Emmaus. 

Dr Tacey laments the loss of understanding of myth in today’s society. "Myth" has become confused with lies or falsehood and its proper function as a vehicle for communicating meaning and providing the reader or listener with a window to the eternal, has been lost. "Fact" and "truth" are not synonymous. Tacey shows that myth is the means by which truth surfaces from the facts and as such deserves a place of esteem. He suggests we need to recover our ability to understand and appreciate myth in order to discern the depths of religion.

Lacey is strongly critical of literal belief and he offers readers plenty to ponder and be challenged by. He believes that religion has something vital to offer the great need for spirituality in our world. To fulfil that need requires a renewed understanding of religion's sacred stories and the metaphor and myth within them. 

Beyond Literal Belief has the potential for many searching conversations. It would be of particular interest to Catholic school teachers, parents, readers at Liturgies and all bible readers.

Dr David Tacey, an academic with a PhD in literature and analytical psychology, taught English literature and Interdisciplinary Studies at La Trobe University, Melbourne  from 1985 to 2014. He is now Emeritus Professor of Literature, La Trobe University and Research Professor at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture. He has an abiding interest in the role of religion and spirituality in secular society and has written extensively on spirituality.