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Reading Scripture with Kathleen Rushton


"The Return of the Prodigal Son" by James Tissot. Courtesy of Brooklyn Museum

The Parable of the Two Lost Sons — Luke 15:11-32

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights the relationships of lostness and being restored in the parable of the two sons in Luke 15:11-32.

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"The Sermon on the Mount" by Jesus Mafa From Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN

The Sermon on the Plain — Luke 6:17-49

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights significant aspects of the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6:17-49.

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"They Who Are of God Hear the Word of God" by James Tissot (1886-1894) Brooklyn Museum

Being Actively Faithful — John 1:1-18

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton describes how significant words in the Prologue of the Gospel of John (Jn 1:1-18) provide clues for discipleship as faithful participants in God’s unfinished work.

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"Jesus before Pilate, First Interview" by James Tissot (1836-1902)

God's Faithful Saving Action: John 18:33-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses John 18:33-37 in which Jesus contrasts his mission to reveal the true reign of God with the false Roman reign which oppresses the people.

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Beginning of the Good News — Mark 10

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses how the “beginnings” in Mark 10 point to Jesus as good news in the Gospel and to the challenges of discipleship.

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Church of the Transfiguration at the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Mass. USA. Creative Commons

Suffer, Die and Rise Again — Mark 8:27-35 and 9:30-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses why Jesus spoke of this death-resurrection in Mark 8:27-35 and 9:30-37.

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Mary Magdalene Announcing the Resurrection to the Apostles. St Albans Psalter© Dombibliothek Hildesheim. Property of the Basilica of St Godehard, Hildesheim. 

Mary the Tower — Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-11; John 21:1-18

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights Mary Magdalene's role in the Gospels and her commission by the Risen Jesus to be the "Apostle to the Apostles".

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"The Storm on the Sea of Galilee" by Roman Sleptsuk © Used with permission

Trust Even in the Storm — Mark 4:35-41

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton describes how the story of the Calming of the Storm in Mark 4:35-41 highlights the qualities of discipleship for today.

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"First Breath" by Kathy Little © Used with permission

Encouraging Breath of the Spirit — John 20:19-23

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the many ways the Spirit’s activity is imaged in John’s Gospel.

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Abide & Bear Fruit for the World: John 15:1-17

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reflects on the image of the vine and the branches in John 15:1-17.

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Earliest crucifixion in an illuminated manuscript in Vangeli di Rabbula/Rabbula Gospels (6th Century) Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

Resisting Evil — John 19:25-30

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton writes that the women and the Beloved Disciple standing at the foot of Jesus’s cross in John 19:25-30 are engaged in resistance to the evil of the Roman Empire.

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Jesus in the Desert

Jesus and the Quiet Place — Mark 1:12-13

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains the significance of Jesus going to a quiet place in Mark 1:12-13.

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"Christ in the Wilderness" by Stanley Spencer

The Word Became Flesh — John 1:1-18

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains how Jesus comes into creation in John 1:1-18 not as a baby, as we read in Matthew and Luke, but as the Word becoming flesh and pitching a tent in us.

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"The Last Judgement" Fresco on altar wall in Sistine Chapel, Vatican

I Was Hungry and You Fed Me — Matthew 25:31-46

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton comments on the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25:31-46 of the great judgement.

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"Four Seasons" by Michele G Dodds © Used with permission

I Am in Your Midst — Matthew 18:15-21

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton says that Matthew 18:15-21 challenges us to show evidence of our ecological conversion.

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"Representation of the Cross" 6th Century Mosaic in Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna. Wikimedia Commons

Take Up the Cross and Follow - Matthew 16:21-28

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses Jesus's reminder in Matthew 16:21-28 that discipleship means bearing the cross.

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"The Sower at Sunset" by Vincent van Gogh Courtesy Commons Wikimedia

Sowing and Growing God's Kingdom — Matthew 13:1-23

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23.

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Jesus Healing

A Heart Moved with Compassion — Matthew 9:36-10:8

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the merciful God Jesus revealed in Matthew 9:36 —10:8.

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Do Not Be Troubled — John 14

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses John 14 and the significance of disciples understanding their part in God’s work.

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We're an Easter People — John 20:1-31

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reflects on how John 20:1-31 speaks of the death-resurrection of Jesus in God’s evolving and unfinished universe.

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"Christ at the Well" by Peter Koenig from Art in the ChristianTradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville,TN

Invitation at the Well — John 4:4-45

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the story in John 4:4-45 of the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus at the well.

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Untitled by Robin Slow © Used with permission

Blessed Are You – Matthew 5:1-48

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton writes that Matthew 5:1-48 describes the way Jesus acted in proclaiming God’s reign.

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"Leaving Home" by Harem Jamal © Used with permission.

Seeking Refuge — Matthew 13: 2-23

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights the political context in Matthew 2:13-23 when Joseph and family fled to safety and the scriptural imperative to welcome refugees and migrants.

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Crucifixion 1430 by Hans Tübingen Master of the Saint Lambrecht Votive Altarpiece

You Will Be with Me — Luke 23:35-42

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton connects Jesus’s announcement of his ministry at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel with his last words before he died in Luke 23:35-42.

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"Protest"(discarded clothing and textile remnants, 22 x 22 inches) by Linda Friedman Schmidt © Used with permission Instagram: lindafriedmanschmidt

Resisting Unjust Structures — Luke 18:1-8

by Kathleen Rushton

In her commentary on Luke 18:1-8 Kathleen Rushton presents the widow as deliberately resisting injustice which challenges interpretations of this parable as an exhortation to prayer.

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From Stewardship to Integral Ecology — Luke 16:1-13

by Kathleen Rushton

In her discussion of The Parable of the Unjust Steward in Luke 16:1-13 Kathleen Rushton says that we are to see ourselves as integrally related in love within creation.

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"The Harvesters" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Living Into Our Future — Luke 12:32-48

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the slave parables in Luke 12:32-48.

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"Two Sisters" by Henri Jean Guillaume Martin (1860-1943).

Re-membering Martha and Mary as Disciples — Luke 10:38-42

by Kathleen Ruston

KATHLEEN RUSHTON explains how the Martha and Mary story in Luke 10:38-42 highlights the necessity of ministry and prayer for discipleship.

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Journeying on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing 

Learning As We Journey — Luke 9:51-62

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton offers insights from Luke 9:51-62 for our journeying in discipleship.

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Listen to My Voice — John 10:22-30

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton uses the story of the Good Shepherd in John 10:22-30 to discuss how we recognise God's voice in our daily lives.

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"Risen" by Kume Bryant © Used with permission

Our Turn to Engage and Change the World — John 20

by Kathleen Rushton

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The Power of the Dazzle — Luke 9:28-36 and Acts 9

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON compares the transfiguration of Jesus in Luke 9:28-36 with Paul’s transformation in Acts 9.

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"Jesus Teaching the People by the Sea" by James Tissot. (Brooklyn Museum)

Blessed and Responsive — Luke 6:17-26

by Katheen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights some significant aspects of Jesus's Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6:17-26.

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"Bikes" by Christian Nicolas © Used with permission.

Commitment to the Journey — Matthew 2:1-12 and Luke 1:39-44; 2:1-52

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton draws attention to how many of the characters set out on a journey in response to news they hear in the birth stories of Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12 and Luke 1:39-44; 2:1-52.

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Be Alert to the Signs — Mark 13

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains that in the apocalyptic chapter, Mark 13, Jesus is warning disciples to look for the signs that are announcing the endings of old ways and the beginnings of new.

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To See and Raise Up — Mark 10:46-52

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton writes that the story of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52 can give us insight into living as a people on the way.

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Questions on the Way — Mark 8:27-9:1

by Kathleen Rushton

In her explanation of Mark 8:27-9:1 Kathleen Rushton highlights the significance for Christians of understanding suffering, death and resurrection for discipleship.

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Gifts of Earth — John 6:35-51 and 15:1-5

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses how Jesus uses the imagery of bread and the grapevine in John 6:35-51 and 15:1-5 to highlight God's gifts — of Jesus and creation.

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Bread for Life

Bread for the World — John 6

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton highlights aspects of John 6 as a guide for our contextualising the Gospel in our lives and world.

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Land and People Crying for Justice, Solidarity and Action

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the polarity of the biblical idea of land and the reality of life in the “Holy Land” for Palestinians today.

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Hiding in Plain Sight by Sara Shamma © Used with permission“Sara Shamma: Modern Slavery” exhibiton curated by Kathleen Soriano, London 2019; Chester Cathedral 2020.

Jesus Prays for All Disciples — John 17:6-19

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses how John 17:6-19 can challenge and support our commitment to justice in the world.

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"The Rising Up" by Michele Renee Ledoux © Used with permission.

Jesus Is Raised Up — Mark 16:1-8

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses Mark's story of the resurrection of Jesus in Mark 16:1-8.

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God’s Power in Death — Mark 14:1—15:47

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton notes that the prophets spoke out against injustice and offered alternative visions of life for their communities. She describes this prophetic imagination in the crucifixion of Jesus in Mark 14:1—15:47.

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"The Gathering" by Mel Brigg © Used with permission

Staying on Track — Mark 1:9-13

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains the significance of the story of Jesus's baptism and testing in Mark 1:9-13.

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"Prophet Anna at Presentation of Jesus in Temple" by James Tissot (1836-1902).  Photo by Brooklyn Museum.

Learning From Prophets — Luke 2:22-40

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton describes Mary and Joseph's encounter with the prophets in Luke 2:22-40.

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Bread and Butter by Conor Walton ©

Doing Works of Mercy — Matthew 25:31-46

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses mercy in Matthew 25:31-46.

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A More Loving People — Matthew 23:34-36

by Kathleen Rushton

In her discussion of Matthew 23:34-36 Kathleen Rushton suggests COVID-19 is inviting us to live the commandments more fully.

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Exodus by Sane Wadu © Used with permission

Building the Church — Matthew 16:13-20

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton sets out the implications of Jesus's desire to build the church in Matthew 16:13-20.

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Parable of the Sower by Jacqueline Norman © Used with permission

Listen, Understand and Bear Fruit — Matthew 13:1-23

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23.

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Crocuses in winter

To Be in Relationship with Christ — Matthew 10:26-42

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton interprets Matthew 10:26-42 in light of our call to relationship at this time.

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SCRIPTURE: Promising Fullness of Life — John 10:1-10.

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton offers insights into the Gospel reading for Sunday 3 May.

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I Am with You on the Way — John 14:1-21

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reflects on Jesus’s farewell address in John 14:1-21 in light our challenges in this time of COVID-19.

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"Noli Me Tangere" (Do Not Cling to Me) by Nik Helbig ©

Resurrection Thoughts in Lockdown — John 20:1-18

by Kath Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reflects on the Johannine story of the women and other disciples discovering the Risen Christ.

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Palm Sunday in this Time of Covid-19 — Matthew 21:1-11

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses Matthew 21:1-11, the Gospel reading for Palm Sunday, and how we might celebrate in our bubbles.

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"Treesongs #5" by Stephen Howard © Used with permission

Jesus Breathes the Spirit — John 20:19-31

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explores the story of the risen Jesus breathing the Spirit on the disciples in John 20:19-31 and invites us to reflect on participating in God’s creation.

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"The Man Born Blind" by Ronald Raab CSC © Used with permission

Gaining Sight and Insight — John 9:1-41

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton interprets John 9:1-41 and suggests how this story of the man born blind can influence our lives.

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"The Man Born Blind" by Ronald Raab CSC © Used with permission

Reading in Four Voices — John 9:1-41

by Arranged Kathleen Rushton

This Gospel reading is for the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

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Living Honourably — Matthew 5:13-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton gives insight into the community life Jesus describes in Matthew 5:13-37.

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"Mary and the Midwives" by Janet Mckenzie © 2009 Collection of Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA

Jesus Is Born — Luke 2:1-20

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains how our usual image of the birth of Jesus is different from what we find in Luke 2:1–20.

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Mount Taranaki

Put it in Your Heart — Luke 21:5-19

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton introduces the apocalyptic writing in Luke 21:5-19 and suggests how it can help us think about and act on the crises of our times.

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"Ten Lepers Healed" By Brian Kershisnik ©

Healing and Gratitude — Luke 17-19

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reflects on the story of Jesus healing ten men with leprosy in Luke 17:11-19.

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Tax Collector

What Will I Do? — Luke 16:1-13

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explores the parable of the unjust manager in Luke 16:1-13.

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Awake to Serve — Luke 12:32-48

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton tells how the parable of the serving master can influence our responses to injustices in our world.

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"Parable of the Good Samaritan" by Bertram Poole ©

Go and Do Likewise — Luke 10:25-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton points to the radical challenge of the parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25–37 for Jesus's first listeners and for us today.

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It’s Time to Hear the Truth — John 16:12-15

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains how Jesus sends the Spirit to reannounce truths we may not have had the insight, knowledge or understanding to hear before now.

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Love One Another — Our Work — John 13:31-35

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton traces Jesus's words and actions in John 13:31-35 showing him bringing a new unity among people through love.

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The Crucifixion by Miki de Goodaboom© Used with permission.

Handing Over the Spirit — John 18:1-19; 42

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains John's version of Jesus's death as his handing over the Spirit at the heart of the universe to all beloved disciples.

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Transfigured in the Struggle

Transformed in the Struggle — Luke 9:28-36

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton's reading of Luke 9:28-36 highlights the commitment that Jesus, and all disciples, give to under-standing God's mission in the world.

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True Disciples Grounded in God — Luke 6:17-49

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton interprets Jesus’s teaching on the beatitudes as told in Luke 6:17-49.

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"Nativity" by Jane Maisey ©

Jesus Comes Bringing Peace — Luke 2:1-20

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton draws attention to how the story of Jesus’s birth in Luke 2:1-20 challenges our domesticated Christmas images and ideas.

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Wake Up! — Mark 13

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton interprets Jesus’s sermon in Mark 13 uncovering the symbolic language and urging us to stay awake in our world

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"Rich Man Went Away Sorrowful" by James Tissot 

No Place for Greed on the Way — Mark 10:17-31

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton, interpreting Mark 10:17-31, highlights how greed works against discipleship of Jesus.

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At Play

Like a Child — Mark 9:30-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton shows in Mark 9:30–37 that childlikeness, not childishness, is a quality of discipleship.

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"Bread of Life" 

Being a Disciple — John 6:24-69

by Kathleen Rushton RSM

Kathleen Rushton explains that in John 6:24-69 being a disciple means committing to believing into Jesus and in God’s mission.

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"The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes" by James Tissot (1836-1902). In Brooklyn Museum.

Completing God’s Work — John 6:1-21

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton points to significant aspects of John 6:1-21 that link the feeding story with the reason for Jesus’s ministry and our own living.

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Birds finding their home in the tree

God's Work in Seeds — Mark 4:26-34

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton interprets two parables in Mark 4:26-34 — the seed that grows by itself and the mustard seed.

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By Ayva Tautalanoa, aged 10, Year 6

Life-Giving Breath of God — John 16:4-15; 20:19-23

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton discusses how the Pentecost gospel readings, John 16:4-15; 20:19-23, highlight the Holy Spirit as breathing life into the universe.

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Abiding in the Vine — John 15:1-7

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON explains how the vine imagery in John 15:1-7 speaks of friendship with Jesus and abiding in God.

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Jesus Washes Peter's Feet (1852-56)

Jesus Washed Feet — John 13-1-7

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON interprets Jesus’s action in John 13:1-17 as introducing a new ordering of relationships.

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"The Merchants are Chased from the Temple"

Pilgrimage to the Dwelling Place of God — John 2:13-25

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON looks at how John 2:13–25 expands the “Clearing of the Temple” story and considers different understandings of the dwelling place of God.

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John the Baptist Sees Jesus From Afar

John the Baptist — John 1:6-8,19-28

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHSTON explains the difference between John the Baptist in John’s Gospel from the other Gospels and the message he calls us to understand.

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Care for Our Common Home

You Did it to Me — Matthew 25:31-46

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON shows how the righteous described in the parable of Matthew 25:31–46 are imitators of Jesus and in solidarity with the whole Earth community. 

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Still Life

Come to the Wedding — Matthew 22:1-14

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON grapples with the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 comparing the willingness of guests called to the banquet table.  

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Marianne Manasse, Farm Workers on the Back of a Truck. Collection of the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. Gift of Mr and Mrs Jan G Milner, 1997.3.1. © Estate of Marianne Manasse.

Slavery IS Slavery — Matthew 18:21-35

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON uncovers the evil of human slavery in her reading of Matthew 18:21-35 and points out how often it is obscured or mistranslated then and in our own times. 

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Come After Me — Matthew 16:21-28

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON explains the use of the lectionaries and interprets what is involved in following Jesus in Matthew 16:21-28. 

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Listen and Hear — Matthew 13:1-52

by Kathleen Rushton

In her interpretation of the parable of the baker woman KATHLEEN RUSHTON alerts us to the twists hidden in Matthew’s parables 13:1-52.

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The Seven Acts of Mercy

The World God Loves — John 3:16-18

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON explains how the meanings of “the world” in John 3:16–18 are related to our involvement in good works. 

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Seat by the Sea

Jesus and the Spirit — John 14

by Kathleen Rushton

In her reading of John 14 KATHLEEN RUSHTON points to the climax of the passion as the giving of the Spirit. 

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Kitchen Maid with the Supper at Emmaus

Journeying to Emmaus — Luke 24:13-35

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON uses two artworks in her interpretation of the Emmaus Story in Luke 24:13-35. 

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The Man Born Blind. Rossano Codex, 6th Century.

Opening of Eyes — John 9:1-41

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON interprets John 9:1-41 showing how the man born blind came to believe in Jesus. 

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Street Art

Give Your Cloak As Well — Matthew 5:28-48

by Kathleen Rushton

In her interpretation of Matthew 5:38–48 KATHLEEN RUSHTON shows how Jesus calls disciples to engage in non-violent resistance of evil.

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Unfinished Painting "Adoration of the Magi" 

A Life-Changing Journey — Matthew 2:1-12

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON interprets Matthew 2:1-12 reflecting on the Magi’s visit to the newly-born Jesus in Bethlehem.

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Crucifixion (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

You Will Be With Me — Luke 23:35-43

by Kathleen Rushton

KATHLEEN RUSHTON reflects on the brief conversation between two dying men, Jesus and his companion, in Luke 23:35-43.

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Zaccheus in the Sycamore Awaiting the Passage of Jesus

A Man With an Amazing Plan — Luke 19:1

by Kathleen Rushton RSM

KATHLEEN RUSHTON writes that by misjudging Zaccheus in Luke 19:1– 10 we miss his vision for a better community.

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Parables of the Lost and Stories of Mercy — Luke 15:1-32

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton examines three parables of the lost in Luke 15:1–32 showing what they reveal about relationships with God and one another.

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"Maria und Elisabeth aus den MISEREOR-Hungertuch "Biblische Frauengestalten-Wegweiser zum Reich Gottes" von Lucy D'Souza-Krone c MVG Medienproduktion. 1990.

Learning from the Line of Women — Luke 1:39-56

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton situates the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, Luke 1:39–56, within the story of biblical foremothers and points to the similarities and differences of their relationships.

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The Good Samaritan by Vincent van Gogh

A Heart Moved to Mercy — Luke 10:25-37

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton provides new insights into the parable of the wounded man in Luke 10:25-37.

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Woman Anointing Jesus' Head and Woman washing Jesus' feet. Cistercian Manuscript, Basel, 1260 CE. 

The Anointing Woman — Luke 7:36-8:3

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reveals that the woman who anoints Jesus’ head in Simon the Pharisee’s house in Luke 7:36-8:3 is a different woman from Mary Magdalene or Mary of Bethany, with whom tradition has confused her.

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Last Supper Mosaic. New Basilica of St. Apollinarus, Ravenna

Belief in Jesus Changed the Church — John 16

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton shows in John 16 how a new way of telling the story of Jesus grew out of the Johannine community’s experience of being Christian.

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Jesus the Gardener and Mary Magdalen on Easter morning

Jesus the Resurrected Gardener — John 20:1-9

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton traces the themes of creating and re-creating in John 20:1–9 and highlights the resurrected Jesus as completing the work of the Divine Gardener.

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"The Woman Caught in Adultery"

Jesus, the Woman and the Pharisees — John 8:1-11

by Kathleen Rushton

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Mount of Temptations in Occupied West Bank

Using and Abusing Power — Luke 4:13

by Kathleen Rushton RSM

In her interpretation of Luke 4:1-13 Kathleen Rushton discusses the biblical character diabolos and the temptations Jesus faced to abuse power and derail his ministry.

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Word became flesh

The Word Made Flesh — John 1:1-18

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explores the meaning of John 1:1-18 as a Christmas reading.

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Jordan river 

Expand the Mind: Jesus and the Landscape — Mark 1:12-15

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton shows how landscape plays an important role in Jesus' understanding of his part in God's mission.

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Gifts of Soil and Wheat — John 12:20-33

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explains how the evolutionary process of death and resurrection seen in soil and wheat reveal the gift-giving God.

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The Family Tomb of Herod (37-4 BCE), Jerusalem.   

Resurrection of Jesus — and the Disciples - John 20:1-9; 19-31

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton's interpretation of the section in John 20 reveals resurrection as a living in a new time or re-creation.

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Sunset at Cable Bay, Broome, Western Australia

Everything is Interconnected — Mark 10:35-45

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton shows how the Sons of Zebedee in Mark 10:35-45 misunderstood Jesus’ vision of radical discipleship which draws us all into relationship with God, Earth and one another.

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Truth is God’s Faithful Saving Action — John 18:33b-37

by Kathleen Rushton

In her interpretation of John 18:33b-37 Kathleen Rushton contrasts Jesus and Pilate as images of kingly power and truthful relationships.

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Detail from La Tatou Tatal "Let us Pray" by Felolini Maria Ifopp

For the Sake of the Gospel — Mark 8:27-35

by Kathleen Rushton

Jesus' challenge" "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me," (Mk 8:34) is not to glorify suffering. In her interpretation of Mark 8: 27-35 Kathleen Rushton suggests that our relationships in creation will enable us to respond to suffering.

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Flat bread

"I am the Bread of Life" — John 6:41-51, 60-69

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton invites us to sense and imagine the interconnections of place, human and divine in her interpretation of John 6:41-51, 60-69.

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Jesus feeds the crowd

"Come, Eat my Bread ..." — John 6:1-15, 24-35

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton reveals the deep scriptural resonances that the Johannine community uses to describe Jesus as bread of life.

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Mustard in flower

Brother Grain and Sister Mustard Seed — Mark 4:26-34

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton explores two parables of the reign of God in Mark 4:26-34.

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Wind over the water

Spirit Poured out in Living Water — John 7:37-39; 15:26-27; 16:12-15

by Kathleen Rushton

Kathleen Rushton traces the images of water and light in the Johannine Pentecost readings - John 7:37-39 and John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or 20:19-23 - as symbols of the pouring of the Spirit.

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