Hero video
John F. Kennedy Tribute to Dag Hammarskjöld - 1961
Video by UN Audiovisual Library

The UN in the 1960’s 

Stephen Bryant —

What did children learn about the UN in the 1960's in New Zealand? Can you play detective for a pupil at the time?

Your Challenge:

Stephen Bryant studied the UN in the 1960’s in New Zealand as part of the primary school Social Studies curriculum. He really enjoyed this and can remember some of the topics he studied but would like to revisit them. He especially like to uncover old photographs or videos.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch these videos: Kennedy tribute to Hammersjkold and Last Journey

    There are 2 videos on Dag Hammersjkold to start things off. It is your job to get some videos this time!

  2. These are the topics I remember (my memory is hazy though):

    1. Dag Hammersjkold (sp?) UN Secretary from Sweden dies in a plane crash in 1961. Some videos for this are above to get things started on what is of interest to me. Listen to President Kennedy’s speech which is inspiring.

    2. U Thant from Burma was the UN Secretary general a very important and serene figure

    3. The Congo was a major war zone with a province separating and there were many UN peacekeeping troops employed

    4. The UN asked New Zealand to send police to Cyprus to help keep peace in the civil war on the island between Greeks and Turks.

    5. The Canadian government of Lester Pearson was a world leader in offering troops for many UN peacekeeping duties.

  3. Break into 5 groups and pick one of the above topics. Your task is to provide Stephen with a good summary of the person/event/action. Any old photos or videos would be great.

  4. Prepare a webquest on the chosen topic and load onto this site.

Educator Notes

Some nostalgic 1960's Social Studies curriculum history.

This is a chance to work through some Google search process with the children. It is not always the first search result which is the best (although the algorithms are getting better).

To make this more accessible:

The topics 1,2 and 5 are probably the easiest.

To make this more challenging:

Encourage them to go deeper in their searches. The Congo is the most complex – remains a source of conflict to this day.

Useful links

Kennedy tribute to Hammersjkold

Last Journey