Hero video
David Lange Oxford Union Debate, 1 March 1985
Video by shadowsinmylove

What is the world court?

Julie Reason —

Learn about the World Court and NZ's role in challenging the status quo.

Your Challenge

Research the origins and purpose of the World Court, and learn how New Zealand's identity as a country was transformed in the years after it asked the Court to help ban nuclear weapons testing.  

Using online sources and interviews with local people who are likely to remember these events, find out why this is such a significant issue, both historically and socially. 

Follow this Process

Discuss - why is there a World Court and what importance does it have for a small country like New Zealand? 

  • Watch the video above, and discuss whether you agree with what David Lange is saying and why. Also ask yourselves why this speech is so often described as being such a significant moment in New Zealand history.
  • Brainstorm ideas to the questions  'should New Zealand remain nuclear-free?' and 'in what ways would New Zealand be a different country, and how would we view ourselves as a nation, if we had not stuck to our nuclear-free principles?' 

  • Research - devise a questionnaire for members of your community which will reveal their answer to the same questions, and which will also allow them to express their broader views about the issue. You could use paper, online, audio or video surveys to gather this information. This data must be brought back to class and shared. You may present it any way you wish - even using this website.
  • Summarise your results to present back to the class and via this web site. 
  • Take action - decide what you can do to make use of your findings: for example, you could present them to local or national media, or feed back your conclusions to the survey's participants and wider community.
  • Capture and share these outcomes using photo and/or video and post on this site to inspire others.