Gender Equality is Happening Now by UN Women

UN Women and achieving Gender Equality

In what practical ways is the organisation UN Women addressing gender inequality

Your Challenge:

Is to understand what the role of UN Women is in developing gender equality. UN Women is the UN organisation dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. It operates the Fund for Gender Equality to take practical steps to achieve this.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch this video...

  2. With a partner discuss this video. Do you think this fund will help women achieve greater equality? Do you think it is good to give funds for these activities

  3. Undertake research to find out more information on the goals for UN Women from this website...

  4. After learning more about these goals form small groups and record which UN Women goals are achieved by the projects in the video above. Do both females and males support UN Women?

  5. Summarise the results of your findings on the whiteboard. See how many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals your group can identify from all the projects in the video above (a project can have more than one goal).

  6. Take action by checking on the UN Women website if your country supports this organisation. Do you believe your country should support this organisation? If so, write to your local member of parliament (MP) to suggest how the government might provide active support and funding.

  7. Capture and share your findings. Produce a video explaining why people should support this important cause and submit it to this website. 

Educator Notes

To make this more accessible:
Ask the students to count how many countries are featured in the video. Are they surprised at the number of countries? Are they surprised at countries like Argentina being involved?
which countries are not represented that they think should and why?

To make this more challenging:
Lead a classroom discussion on gender equality in your country. Are women still disadvantaged and if so how? Should action be taken to remedy this? What type of action would work? Are there areas in which males are disadvantaged?

Useful links

UN Fund for Gender Equality:

UN Women: