David Beckham: Violence can mark children forever | #ENDviolence by UNICEF

UNICEF #endviolence 

Violence against children takes many forms. Learn more from soccer star and UNICEF Ambassador, David Beckham

Your Challenge:

Your challenge is to understand more about the types of violence used against children and how to stop it.

Follow this Process:

  1. Preview the video David Beckham: Violence can mark children forever | #ENDviolence.  Identify the number of forms of violence against children identified by the tattoos. We see 4 – you may see more.

  2. Watch the video as a class and then break into 4 groups to discuss each of the forms of violence shown on the tattoo.

  3. Research further information on the form of child violence you have chosen at this website.

  4. Describe the form of child violence you have chosen, why it happens and, most importantly, how it can be stopped.

  5. Take action by preparing a video that answers the questions above in an imaginative manner like the video and website.

  6. Share the videos (or perhaps the most creative one) with your other classes at the school and post them to include on this website.

Educator Notes

You should preview the website as this includes some coverage of sexual violence.

To make this more accessible:
Focus on one form of violence that may be especially topical as a class discussion.

To make this more challenging:
Encourage some creativity around the video creation; perhaps by some role playing. Discuss first how effective do they think the David Beckham video is?

Useful links