Urbanization | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy by khanacademymedicine

How might we make our cities more efficient and better for the environment? 

Why do cities need to be adapted and made to support the environment?

Your Challenge:

Your challenge is to figure out how you might change your city to allow for rapid urbanisation? How can you change the way your city operates to benefit the population and the environment? 

Watch as a class the four videos to grasp the topic of rapid urbanization and urban planning. In pairs, identify how an increase in population in your city would cause problems. Gather ideas based off of the examples in the videos.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch these four video clips as a class:

    Urbanization | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy

    Addressing Rapid Urbanisation

    What Is Urban Planning?

    Transforming a city: Urban Water Innovation [Kunshan, China]

  2. Divide into pairs and each come up with 3 problems that an increase in population would cause in your city. Think of healthcare facilities, schools, traffic and jobs.

  3. Brainstorm as a pair what solutions you have to these problems through urban planning. How would you change the city in an environmentally aware way that can reduce the impact of rapid urbanisation?

  4. Summarise your findings in a report (presentation, video) to present back to the class and/or school and via this website.

  5. Take Action by deciding how you can use your newfound knowledge of rapid urbanisation and urban planning to benefit your city. Could you send your presentation to your city council?

  6. Capture and Share these outcomes using photo and/or video and post on this site to inspire others.

Educator Notes

To provide more challenge:

Ask class/groups to address five problems instead of three.

To simplify the task:

Ask class/groups to address one problem instead of three.